Downtown Walk, 8 October 2004

When i first saw this sculpture on the side of the Chicago River, I thought it was supposed to be Swiss cheese. It's not, but I can't remember what it is, only what I thought it was. Oops.

Looking east down the Chicago River

It's a very gray day today.... looking toward the Loop

Corncob buildings (Marina City)

The parking portion of Marina City next to Smith & Wollensky's... people always wonder if the cars can fall out...

IBM Plaza... I just thought it added a splash of color to an otherwise very gray day

More of the colorful trees... this is on my walk back from errands and getting a flu shot, after it had already rained (if you're wondering or if you care... haha)

Looking south down State Street... those little orange things on the street lights are pumpkins... this year, armed with digicam, I WILL get a picture of the pumpkins, lit and unlit!

Chicago Sun-Times building... I was looking for Bill Rancic, didn't find him. ;-)

Trees in the plaza by WGN... I was listening to them talk about "Desperate Housewives" on the air.

More of the trees in the plaza

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