Hong Kong I: Flight

Gate area at O'Hare (I just noticed the popcorn thing today - seems a little out of place)

Chicken lunch

Window view around the time we were at the North Pole

Our location map and the orange kid that stood up for almost the whole flight, blocking my view of the movies despite the fact that I was sitting on the hard armrest... I mean, seriously, stand if you want, but don't block the movie!

They had some turkey or ham sandwiches during the flight, but this was the official snack box. Truly junk food.

The lunch they serve just before landing... lasagna. The chicken lunch was better.

Colorful skies

My favorite in-flight shot

After over 15 hours, finally we can see HK! On the descent, lots of islands and mountains and water.

We landed at sunset. It was beautiful. :)
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